Changes to Red-list Status of Maldon’s birds

In December 2021, the conservation organisations that complile the listing of UK birds of conservation concern published their 5th update. Sadly, but not surprisingly, the number of species given a red status has increased, reflecting the continuing population declines being experienced by much of our avifauna.
With the changes, three of Maldon’s breeding species have been added to the list: Swift, House Martin and Greenfinch.
In total, fifteen of Maldon’s regularly breeding birds are red-listed. Besides those just mentioned, the others are:
Turtle Dove, Cuckoo, Herring Gull, Skylark, Starling, Mistle Thrush, Nightingale, House Sparrow, Yellow Wagtail, Linnet, Corn Bunting & Yellowhammer.
Two further red-listed species, Grey Partridge and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, already appear to no longer be breeding regularly in our patch.
Further information on the changes and details on the current status of each of the red-listed species in Maldon is in a file in the updates section of this website.

House Martin, Lofts Farm, April 2021- hopefully local breeding will be recorded again in 2022.
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