Gallery – scenery

Photos that didn’t make it into the book…

View over to St Mary’s Church and the Quay from Heybridge Pits
Annual “cutching” of the barge sails
Chandlers Quay
Ricketts Mere
Morning mist by the sailing club
Borrowdyke along the sea wall towards Mundon Sluice
Lime Brook, by Limebrook Way (the brook tends to keep flowing even in the coldest weather)
The lake at Elms Farm Park
Beeleigh Weir in flood (with the canal over-topping the lock gates in the background)
A touch of Shakespeare in the Prom Park (Macbeth)
St Mary’s Church – ‘The Fisherman’s Church’
The sun rising opposite the Dump
Autumn colours along Limebrook Way
Meadowsweet and Teasel along the borrowdyke
Bentall Car, Museum of Power (built at Heybridge works of E.H. Bentall & Co.)

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